Is pressure vector or scalar quality?
Pressure is a scalar quantity.
Here's why:
Scalar quantities have magnitude (size) only.
Vector quantities have both magnitude and direction.
Pressure is defined as force per unit area. While force itself is a vector, pressure acts equally in all directions at a point within a fluid. So, we describe it by its magnitude, not a specific direction.
Think of it like this:
If you inflate a balloon, the pressure inside pushes outward equally in all directions. You don't say the pressure is "going that way" or "this way." You just say it has a certain amount of pressure.
Direction zikiwa nyingi ni direction Ndio lakin sio specific .
Ndio maana hata kwenye speed haina specific direction lkn ina direction inayobadirikabadirika
Pressure is a scalar quantity because it has magnitude but no specific direction. While pressure acts in all directions at a point in a fluid, it does not have a single defined direction like a vector. Instead, the force exerted due to pressure (force per unit area) is a vector, as it acts perpendicular to a surface.
Wale wanaosema pressure ni scalar quantity wamezingatia kwenye kimiminika tu maana kwenye kimiminika direction ipo na inakua ni pote lakini sio specific
Tukija kwenye pressure in solids hii lazima iwe vector quantity piga ua
Ndio maana nikauliza mtu akikwambia be specific anamanisha nini ??
Pressure is a scalar quantity because it has magnitude but no specific direction. While pressure acts in all directions at a point in a fluid,
Brother acha kuchanganya mambo,hv kwa nn water tape huwa zinawekwa at the bottom of the tank?
B'coz pressure huwa iko directed downward,na pressure at the bottom huwa ni kubwa kulikoni ya at the top, maana pressure ni mgandamizo, hvyo ina specific direction na hyo direction inasababishwa na force coz force yoyote ile ina specific direction, therefore pressure ni vector quantity,Tena bila kutumia reference ya kitabu chochote.